Journey to the West 091: The Pilgrims Encounter the King of Cold Protection

Journey to the West 091: The Pilgrims Encounter the King of Cold Protection

Arrival in the Kingdom of Cold Protection

After their battle with the Scorpion Demoness, Tripitaka and his disciples continued their journey, eventually arriving in a land known as the Kingdom of Cold Protection (寒光国). This kingdom was located in a remote, icy region where the cold was so intense that it could freeze a person solid within moments. The people of the kingdom had adapted to the harsh conditions, and they revered their ruler, the King of Cold Protection (寒光大王), who was believed to possess the power to control the cold and protect his people from its deadly effects.

The pilgrims, unaccustomed to such extreme cold, found it difficult to proceed through the kingdom. Tripitaka, in particular, struggled to keep warm, and his disciples were concerned for his well-being. As they made their way toward the royal palace to seek shelter, they noticed that the cold seemed to grow even more intense with each step they took.

The King's Challenge

When the pilgrims arrived at the palace, they were welcomed by the King of Cold Protection, a stern and imposing figure who radiated an aura of frost. The king had heard of the pilgrims' journey and was curious about their mission. However, he was also wary of outsiders and decided to test their strength and resolve.

The king challenged the pilgrims to prove their worthiness by enduring the extreme cold of his kingdom. He ordered that they be taken to the Ice Chamber (冰室), a frigid room deep within the palace that was said to be so cold that even the strongest warriors could not survive there for long. If the pilgrims could endure the cold and emerge unscathed, the king would grant them passage through his kingdom.

Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing were confident in their abilities, but Tripitaka, being human and more vulnerable to the cold, was at great risk. Nevertheless, he was determined to prove his dedication to their mission and agreed to the challenge.

The Trial in the Ice Chamber

The pilgrims were led into the Ice Chamber, where the temperature was so low that the walls were coated with thick layers of ice. The cold was bone-chilling, and even Wukong, who was usually impervious to such conditions, felt the effects. Tripitaka, despite his resolve, quickly began to weaken as the cold sapped his strength.

Seeing his master in distress, Wukong knew they had to act quickly. He used his magical abilities to create a barrier of warmth around Tripitaka, shielding him from the worst of the cold. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, using their own abilities, helped to maintain the barrier, allowing Tripitaka to recover his strength.

The King of Cold Protection, observing the trial from outside the chamber, was impressed by the pilgrims' teamwork and resourcefulness. He had not expected them to survive the ordeal, but they had not only endured it but had also protected their weakest member.

The King's Change of Heart

Realizing that the pilgrims were truly dedicated to their mission and possessed great strength of character, the King of Cold Protection had a change of heart. He ordered the Ice Chamber to be opened and personally welcomed the pilgrims back into the warmth of the palace.

The king, now seeing the pilgrims in a new light, offered them his protection and assistance as they continued their journey through his kingdom. He provided them with warm clothing and provisions to help them withstand the cold and escorted them to the border of his realm.

Before they departed, the King of Cold Protection expressed his admiration for Tripitaka's dedication and the strength of the bond between the pilgrims. He asked them to carry his blessings on their journey and to remember the importance of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

Continuing the Journey

With the King's blessing and their spirits renewed, the pilgrims continued their journey westward. The Kingdom of Cold Protection faded into the distance as they moved closer to their ultimate goal. The trial in the Ice Chamber had tested their endurance and resolve, but they had emerged stronger and more united than ever.

The chapter ends with the pilgrims moving forward, their confidence bolstered by their victory over the cold and their encounter with the King of Cold Protection. They knew that the road ahead would continue to present challenges, but they were ready to face them together, with the Dharma as their guide.

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