Journey to the West 084: The Pilgrims Face the True and False Monkey King

Journey to the West 084: The Pilgrims Face the True and False Monkey King

The Appearance of the False Wukong

After overcoming the challenges of the Flaming Mountain, Tripitaka and his disciples continued their journey westward. However, their path soon took a strange and unexpected turn when they encountered a mysterious figure who looked exactly like Wukong. This figure, identical in appearance and mannerisms to the real Wukong, claimed to be the true Monkey King and insisted that the Wukong who had been traveling with the pilgrims was an impostor.

This sudden appearance of a False Wukong (假悟空) caused confusion and tension among the pilgrims. Tripitaka, unable to distinguish between the real and the false Wukong, became deeply troubled. He knew that only one of them could be the true disciple, but determining which one was genuine seemed impossible.

The False Wukong was clever and convincing, mimicking the real Wukong’s speech, behavior, and even his knowledge of past events. The two Wukongs began to argue and accuse each other of being the impostor, each trying to convince Tripitaka and the other disciples of their authenticity.

The Pilgrims' Dilemma

Tripitaka was caught in a difficult situation. Both Wukongs appeared equally genuine, and the other disciples were equally baffled. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, though loyal to their master, were unsure whom to trust. The constant bickering and accusations between the two Wukongs only added to the tension and confusion.

Tripitaka, deeply troubled by the situation, knew that they could not continue their journey until the true Wukong was identified. He decided to seek help from the celestial beings who might be able to see through the deception and reveal the truth.

Seeking Help from the Celestial Beings

Tripitaka prayed to the heavens, asking for divine assistance in resolving the dilemma. His prayers were answered when the Bodhisattva Guanyin (观音菩萨) appeared before them. Guanyin, known for her compassion and wisdom, listened to Tripitaka’s plea and observed the two Wukongs carefully.

Despite her vast knowledge and spiritual insight, even Guanyin found it difficult to distinguish between the real and the false Wukong. She realized that this was no ordinary deception and that the False Wukong must possess powerful magic. Guanyin decided to summon the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) and other celestial beings to assist in determining the truth.

The Jade Emperor, along with Erlang Shen (二郎神) and Tai Shang Lao Jun (太上老君), descended from the heavens to examine the two Wukongs. Each deity used their unique powers to try and reveal the impostor, but the False Wukong’s disguise was so perfect that even the celestial beings struggled to identify the real one.

The Final Test

After several unsuccessful attempts to reveal the impostor, Tai Shang Lao Jun, the Supreme Lord Laozi, came up with a final test. He proposed that both Wukongs be brought to the Buddha in the Western Paradise (西天如来佛祖), who would surely be able to see through the deception and identify the true Monkey King.

Agreeing with Laozi’s suggestion, the celestial beings escorted the two Wukongs to the Western Paradise, where the Buddha awaited them. The Buddha, with his infinite wisdom, welcomed the two Wukongs and listened to their arguments.

After carefully observing both Wukongs, the Buddha asked them a series of questions that only the true Wukong could answer correctly. The False Wukong, though clever, began to falter under the Buddha’s scrutiny, revealing subtle inconsistencies in his answers.

Finally, the Buddha produced a golden alms bowl and instructed both Wukongs to jump inside. The real Wukong, confident in his loyalty and devotion to the Buddha, immediately complied. The False Wukong, however, hesitated, sensing a trap. As soon as the False Wukong entered the bowl, the Buddha sealed it with his power, trapping the impostor inside.

The False Wukong’s disguise shattered, revealing his true form as a Six-Eared Macaque (六耳猕猴), a powerful demon who had taken on Wukong’s appearance to deceive and sabotage the pilgrims’ journey.

The Defeat of the Six-Eared Macaque

With his true form revealed, the Six-Eared Macaque was powerless against the Buddha’s might. The Buddha explained that the Six-Eared Macaque had long harbored envy and malice toward Wukong, desiring to take his place and sabotage the mission to retrieve the sacred scriptures.

The Buddha, showing mercy, offered the Six-Eared Macaque a chance to repent for his actions and follow the path of the Dharma. However, the demon, consumed by pride and hatred, refused the offer and was ultimately banished from the mortal realm by the Buddha’s divine power.

The real Wukong was restored to his rightful place as Tripitaka’s disciple, and the pilgrims’ journey continued. Tripitaka, grateful for the Buddha’s intervention, thanked the celestial beings for their assistance and guidance.

Continuing the Journey

With the truth revealed and the impostor defeated, the pilgrims were able to continue their journey westward with renewed resolve. The encounter with the Six-Eared Macaque had tested their faith and trust in one another, but they emerged stronger and more united.

The chapter ends with the pilgrims reflecting on the challenges they had faced and the lessons they had learned. They knew that their journey would continue to be filled with trials and temptations, but they were confident in their ability to overcome them with the Dharma as their guide.

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