Journey to the West 083: The Pilgrims Face the Flaming Mountain Again

Journey to the West 083: The Pilgrims Face the Flaming Mountain Again

Returning to the Flaming Mountain

As Tripitaka and his disciples continued their journey westward, they found themselves once again approaching the dreaded Flaming Mountain (火焰山). The memory of their previous encounter with this perilous place was still fresh in their minds, and they knew that crossing the Flaming Mountain would not be easy. The mountain's intense heat and the flames that continuously burned made it nearly impossible for anyone to pass through.

However, the pilgrims had no choice but to confront the mountain again, as it stood directly in their path. They also knew that this time, the mountain's flames were even more powerful, fueled by the anger of the Bull Demon King (牛魔王) and his family, who still sought revenge against the pilgrims for their earlier defeat.

The Renewed Wrath of the Bull Demon King

The Bull Demon King, having recovered from his previous defeat at the hands of Wukong, had vowed to make the pilgrims pay. He had strengthened the flames of the Flaming Mountain with his dark magic, making them burn hotter and more ferociously than ever before. The mountain was now nearly impassable, and the surrounding lands were suffering from the intense heat.

As the pilgrims approached the Flaming Mountain, they could feel the searing heat from miles away. The flames roared like a living beast, and the air was thick with smoke. Wukong, knowing that they needed to find a way to extinguish the flames, recalled their previous encounter with the mountain and the Palm-Leaf Fan (芭蕉扇) that had once been used to quench the fire.

However, Wukong also knew that obtaining the fan again would be no simple task. The fan was still in the possession of Princess Iron Fan (铁扇公主), the wife of the Bull Demon King, who harbored a deep grudge against the pilgrims.

Wukong's Plan to Retrieve the Fan

Determined to retrieve the Palm-Leaf Fan, Wukong decided to confront Princess Iron Fan once more. He knew that she would not part with the fan willingly, especially after their previous encounter. Wukong, always cunning, devised a plan to outsmart her.

Wukong used his shape-shifting abilities to transform into a trusted servant of Princess Iron Fan. Disguised in this form, he approached the princess and feigned loyalty, claiming that he had important information about the pilgrims’ plans. Princess Iron Fan, eager to gain the upper hand, allowed the disguised Wukong to approach her.

Once close enough, Wukong revealed his true identity and demanded the Palm-Leaf Fan. Princess Iron Fan, enraged by the deception, attacked Wukong with all her might, using the fan’s powerful wind to try and blow him away. However, Wukong was prepared this time, using his magical staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, to anchor himself and resist the gusts.

The battle between Wukong and Princess Iron Fan was fierce, but Wukong’s agility and quick thinking allowed him to gain the upper hand. He managed to wrest the fan from her grasp and quickly flew back to his companions before the Bull Demon King could intervene.

Quelling the Flames of the Flaming Mountain

With the Palm-Leaf Fan in hand, Wukong returned to the Flaming Mountain, where the flames burned hotter than ever. Using the fan, he began to create powerful gusts of wind that slowly started to quell the flames. However, the fire was so intense that it took all of Wukong’s strength to keep the flames at bay.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing joined Wukong, using their own abilities to assist in cooling the mountain. Together, the three disciples worked tirelessly, using the fan to subdue the flames and create a path through the mountain.

As the flames began to die down, the Bull Demon King, realizing that his plan had failed, appeared on the mountain to confront the pilgrims. He was furious that Wukong had once again thwarted his plans and was determined to take his revenge.

The Final Battle with the Bull Demon King

The Bull Demon King, wielding his immense strength and dark magic, attacked the pilgrims with a fury fueled by his desire for vengeance. Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing engaged the Bull Demon King in a fierce battle, each using their unique abilities to counter his attacks.

Wukong, using his Ruyi Jingu Bang, clashed with the Bull Demon King in a series of powerful blows that shook the mountain. Zhu Bajie, with his nine-toothed rake, and Sha Wujing, with his staff, provided support, ensuring that the Bull Demon King could not focus all his attacks on Wukong.

Despite his power, the Bull Demon King found himself outmatched by the combined strength and skill of the pilgrims. Wukong’s relentless attacks, combined with the teamwork of Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, eventually overwhelmed the Bull Demon King.

Realizing that he could not win, the Bull Demon King attempted to flee, but Wukong was determined to end the threat once and for all. With a final, decisive blow, Wukong struck down the Bull Demon King, ending his reign of terror and ensuring that the Flaming Mountain would no longer threaten their journey.

Continuing the Journey

With the Bull Demon King defeated and the flames of the Flaming Mountain finally quenched, the pilgrims were able to continue their journey westward. They were relieved to have overcome such a formidable obstacle, knowing that their path was now clear.

The chapter ends with the pilgrims leaving the Flaming Mountain behind, their resolve strengthened by their victory. They knew that their journey to the West would continue to be fraught with challenges, but they were confident that, with the Dharma as their guide and their teamwork, they could overcome any obstacle in their way.

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