Journey to the West 081: The Pilgrims Face the Three Daoist Immortals

Journey to the West 081: The Pilgrims Face the Three Daoist Immortals

Arrival at the Xuanying Mountain

After their encounter with the Spider Demons, Tripitaka and his disciples continued their journey westward, eventually arriving at the Xuanying Mountain (玄英山). This mountain was home to three powerful Daoist immortals known as the Three Daoist Lords (三清道祖), who had gained significant spiritual power through their practices and were known for their magical abilities.

The Three Daoist Lords—Lord Tiger Strength (虎力大仙), Lord Deer Strength (鹿力大仙), and Lord Ram Strength (羊力大仙)—were respected by the local people for their supernatural powers and their ability to control the forces of nature. However, they were also proud and somewhat arrogant, believing their Daoist practices to be superior to the Buddhist teachings that Tripitaka and his disciples followed.

As the pilgrims approached the mountain, they were unaware that the Three Daoist Lords had already heard of their journey and were not pleased about their arrival. The Daoist Lords viewed the Buddhist pilgrims as rivals and decided to test their spiritual strength.

The Invitation from the Daoist Lords

Upon learning of the pilgrims' approach, the Three Daoist Lords sent a messenger to invite them to their temple on the mountain. The message was polite but carried an undertone of challenge, as the Daoist Lords intended to demonstrate the superiority of their Daoist practices over the Buddhist path.

Tripitaka, ever courteous and open to learning, accepted the invitation, seeing it as an opportunity to engage in spiritual dialogue. However, Wukong was immediately suspicious, sensing that the Daoist Lords had ulterior motives. He cautioned Tripitaka to be on guard, as he believed that the Daoist Lords might try to deceive or harm them.

Despite Wukong’s warnings, the pilgrims made their way to the temple, where they were welcomed by the Three Daoist Lords with a grand ceremony. The Daoist Lords, dressed in ornate robes and surrounded by symbols of their power, greeted the pilgrims warmly but with an air of superiority.

The Spiritual Contest

After the initial pleasantries, the Three Daoist Lords proposed a series of spiritual contests to determine whether the Daoist or Buddhist path was superior. The contests would test their magical abilities and spiritual strength, and the outcome would settle the debate between the two traditions.

Tripitaka, valuing peace and understanding, was hesitant to engage in such a contest, but Wukong, eager to prove the strength of the Buddhist path, accepted the challenge on behalf of the group. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing also prepared themselves, ready to support Wukong in whatever trials lay ahead.

The first contest was a test of transformation. Lord Tiger Strength demonstrated his ability to transform into a powerful tiger, using his Daoist magic to take on the form of the fierce beast. He roared loudly, shaking the ground and showing off his strength.

In response, Wukong effortlessly transformed into a larger and more fearsome tiger, his golden fur shining with an otherworldly light. The Daoist Lords were impressed but not deterred, as they believed their next challenges would prove their superiority.

The second contest was a test of summoning. Lord Deer Strength called forth a herd of majestic deer, which appeared in the temple courtyard, their antlers adorned with golden leaves. The sight was breathtaking, and the Daoist Lords looked on with pride.

Wukong, however, summoned a celestial army of heavenly soldiers, each shining with divine light and wielding powerful weapons. The sight was awe-inspiring, and the Daoist Lords realized that they were facing a truly formidable opponent.

The final contest was a test of endurance. Lord Ram Strength called upon the elements, summoning a powerful storm with winds that howled and lightning that cracked the sky. The storm was so intense that it threatened to tear the temple apart.

Wukong, undaunted, used his magical staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, to calm the storm and dispel the dark clouds, restoring peace and tranquility to the mountain. The Daoist Lords, seeing that their strongest magic had been neutralized, began to realize that their spiritual power was no match for the strength of Wukong and his companions.

The Defeat of the Daoist Lords

Having been bested in all three contests, the Three Daoist Lords were forced to acknowledge the superiority of the Buddhist path. They were humbled by the experience and began to question their own pride and arrogance. Wukong, ever quick to seize the moment, reminded them that true spiritual strength comes from humility, compassion, and a sincere pursuit of enlightenment.

Tripitaka, seeing the Daoist Lords’ defeat as an opportunity for spiritual growth, offered them his guidance in the teachings of the Buddha. He encouraged them to let go of their pride and embrace the path of compassion and wisdom, which would lead them to true enlightenment.

The Daoist Lords, now repentant, accepted Tripitaka’s offer and vowed to reform their ways. They renounced their previous arrogance and dedicated themselves to learning from the Buddhist teachings. They invited the pilgrims to stay in their temple for a time, where they could exchange knowledge and learn from each other in the spirit of mutual respect.

Continuing the Journey

With the Three Daoist Lords now allies rather than rivals, the pilgrims continued their journey westward. They left the Xuanying Mountain with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they had not only proven the strength of the Buddhist path but also helped three powerful beings move closer to enlightenment.

The encounter with the Three Daoist Lords had tested their patience, wisdom, and strength, but they had emerged victorious through their unwavering commitment to the Dharma. The chapter ends with the pilgrims moving forward, their resolve stronger than ever as they continued their quest to bring the sacred scriptures back to the East.

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