Journey to the West 078: The Pilgrims Encounter the False King

Journey to the West 078: The Pilgrims Encounter the False King

Entering the Kingdom of Biqiu

After their departure from the Kingdom of Women, Tripitaka and his disciples journeyed further west and eventually arrived at the Kingdom of Biqiu (比丘国), a prosperous land known for its peaceful people and reverence for the Dharma. The kingdom was ruled by a wise and just king who was admired by his subjects for his dedication to Buddhist teachings.

As the pilgrims entered the capital city, they were struck by the serene atmosphere and the sight of temples and shrines dedicated to the Buddha. The people of Biqiu welcomed the pilgrims warmly, recognizing them as holy men on a sacred mission.

The pilgrims soon learned, however, that all was not as it seemed in the Kingdom of Biqiu. Rumors began to reach their ears that the king, who had once been a devout follower of the Dharma, had recently undergone a strange and troubling transformation. His behavior had become erratic, and he had started issuing cruel and unjust decrees. The people were growing fearful, but none dared to question the king’s authority.

The Discovery of the False King

Wukong, ever suspicious, decided to investigate these rumors further. Using his magical abilities, he flew to the royal palace and observed the king from a distance. It didn’t take long for Wukong to realize that something was amiss. The king’s aura was dark and malevolent, and his actions were uncharacteristic of a ruler who had once been known for his kindness and wisdom.

Determined to uncover the truth, Wukong used his shape-shifting abilities to disguise himself as a court official and infiltrate the palace. As he moved through the corridors, he overheard a conversation between the king and a group of shadowy figures who were clearly not human. Listening closely, Wukong realized that the true king had been overthrown and replaced by a False King (假王), who was, in fact, a powerful demon in disguise.

The False King had taken on the appearance of the real king and had used dark magic to assume control of the kingdom. Under his rule, the once peaceful kingdom was slowly being corrupted, and the people’s devotion to the Dharma was being twisted into something dark and dangerous.

Wukong's Confrontation with the Demon

Wukong, enraged by the demon’s deception, decided to confront the False King directly. He waited until the demon was alone in the royal chambers, then revealed his true form and challenged the demon to a fight. The False King, startled by Wukong’s sudden appearance, quickly dropped his disguise and revealed his demonic form.

The battle that followed was fierce, with Wukong and the demon clashing throughout the palace. The False King used dark magic and illusions to try and overpower Wukong, but the Monkey King’s strength, agility, and magical abilities were more than a match for the demon’s tricks.

Wukong managed to corner the False King and struck him with a powerful blow from his Ruyi Jingu Bang, forcing the demon to retreat. However, the False King was cunning and quickly realized that he could not defeat Wukong in direct combat. Instead, he used his remaining strength to summon a dark storm, covering his escape and disappearing into the shadows.

The Rescue of the True King

With the False King defeated but not yet destroyed, Wukong turned his attention to finding the real king. He searched the palace and eventually discovered a hidden dungeon where the true king was being held captive. The king was weak and disheveled, having been imprisoned for months, but he was overjoyed to see Wukong and the other pilgrims.

Wukong freed the king and brought him to Tripitaka, who offered prayers for the king’s recovery. The king, grateful for his rescue, explained how the demon had overthrown him and taken his place, using dark magic to deceive the court and the people.

The pilgrims realized that they needed to restore the true king to his throne and cleanse the kingdom of the demonic influence that had taken root. However, they knew that the False King was still at large and would likely return to reclaim his ill-gotten power.

The Final Confrontation

Determined to end the demon’s reign of terror once and for all, Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing set a trap for the False King. They spread the word throughout the kingdom that the true king had been restored and was preparing to hold a grand ceremony to celebrate his return.

As expected, the False King, consumed by rage and jealousy, returned to the palace, intent on destroying the true king and reclaiming his throne. However, as soon as the False King entered the palace grounds, Wukong and the other disciples sprang their trap.

Wukong confronted the demon in the throne room, and this time, with Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing by his side, he fought with even greater determination. The False King, realizing he was outmatched, attempted to flee once again, but Wukong was ready. Using his magical abilities, Wukong created a barrier that trapped the demon within the palace.

With no escape, the False King was finally forced to face Wukong’s wrath. In a final, decisive blow, Wukong struck the demon down, banishing him from the mortal realm and ensuring that he could never again threaten the Kingdom of Biqiu.

Restoration of the Kingdom

With the demon defeated and the true king restored to the throne, peace returned to the Kingdom of Biqiu. The king, deeply grateful to the pilgrims, vowed to rule justly and to restore the kingdom’s devotion to the Dharma. He ordered that temples be built in honor of the Buddha and that prayers be offered to thank the heavens for sending such brave and righteous protectors.

Tripitaka and his disciples were honored guests at the royal court, where they were celebrated for their bravery and wisdom. The king offered them many gifts, but Tripitaka, true to his vows of renunciation, politely declined, accepting only provisions for the next leg of their journey.

As they prepared to leave the Kingdom of Biqiu, the pilgrims reflected on the challenges they had faced and the lessons they had learned. The encounter with the False King had tested their resolve and their commitment to the truth, but they had emerged victorious, having restored peace and justice to a land that had been under the shadow of darkness.

The chapter ends with the pilgrims continuing their journey westward, their spirits renewed and their determination stronger than ever. They knew that their path to enlightenment would continue to be fraught with danger, but they were confident in their ability to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead, with the Dharma as their guiding light.

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