Journey to the West 076: The Pilgrims Confront the Scorpion Demoness

Journey to the West 076: The Pilgrims Confront the Scorpion Demoness

The Deadly Encounter

As Tripitaka and his disciples continued their journey westward, they entered a desolate and eerie region known as the Scorpion Ridge (蝎子岭). The ridge was infamous for being home to a fearsome demoness known as the Scorpion Demoness (蝎子精). This demoness was a powerful creature with the body of a woman and the tail of a scorpion, and her venomous sting was said to be lethal.

The Scorpion Demoness had long terrorized the area, and she was known for luring travelers into her lair and poisoning them with her deadly sting. The pilgrims, unaware of the danger that lay ahead, found themselves in her territory as they made their way through the treacherous landscape.

The Scorpion Demoness's Trap

As the pilgrims approached the ridge, the Scorpion Demoness appeared before them, disguised as a beautiful woman. She feigned distress, claiming to have lost her way, and begged the pilgrims for help. Despite Wukong’s suspicions, Tripitaka, moved by compassion, insisted on aiding the woman.

However, as they got closer, the Scorpion Demoness revealed her true form—a monstrous creature with a venomous stinger ready to strike. She attacked the pilgrims with ferocity, aiming her deadly stinger at Tripitaka, who was her primary target.

The Fierce Battle

Wukong, quick to react, sprang into action to protect his master. He used his Ruyi Jingu Bang to deflect the Scorpion Demoness’s stinger and engaged her in a fierce battle. The demoness was fast and powerful, using her agility and venom to try and overpower Wukong.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing joined the fight, using their weapons to support Wukong and keep the demoness at bay. The battle was intense, with the Scorpion Demoness using the terrain to her advantage, making it difficult for the pilgrims to land a decisive blow.

The Bodhisattva's Intervention

Realizing that the Scorpion Demoness was a formidable foe, Wukong called out to the Bodhisattva Guanyin (观音菩萨) for assistance. Guanyin, hearing Wukong’s plea, descended from the heavens, radiating a calming light that contrasted with the chaos of the battle.

Guanyin, with her divine power, neutralized the Scorpion Demoness’s venom, rendering her stinger harmless. The Scorpion Demoness, realizing that she was no match for the combined might of the pilgrims and Guanyin, attempted to flee.

However, Guanyin, in her compassion, offered the Scorpion Demoness a chance at redemption. She explained that the demoness could abandon her evil ways and follow the path of the Dharma, using her strength for good rather than for harm.

The Scorpion Demoness’s Redemption

Moved by Guanyin’s words and humbled by her defeat, the Scorpion Demoness accepted the offer of redemption. She vowed to renounce her wicked ways and to protect the land she once terrorized, ensuring that no harm would come to travelers passing through her territory.

The pilgrims, grateful for Guanyin’s assistance and relieved that the danger had passed, continued their journey westward with renewed resolve.

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