Journey to the West 002: Wukong Becomes the Protector of the Mountain

Journey to the West 002: Wukong Becomes the Protector of the Mountain

Sun Wukong's Training Continues

After returning to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Sun Wukong used his newly acquired skills to protect his kingdom and establish his authority. He practiced his magical arts diligently, including the 72 transformations and the ability to fly on clouds. His power and reputation grew, and the other creatures in the mountain revered him as their leader. Sun Wukong, now fully aware of his capabilities, felt invincible.

The Search for a Weapon

Despite his strength, Sun Wukong realized that he lacked a weapon to match his abilities. He decided to seek out the perfect weapon and left the mountain once again. His journey took him to the Dragon Palace of the Eastern Sea, where he met the Dragon King. Sun Wukong demanded a weapon that could withstand his immense power.

The Dragon King, fearful of Sun Wukong's might, presented him with several weapons, but none were satisfactory. Finally, the Dragon King offered him the Ruyi Jingu Bang, a magical staff that could change size at will. The staff had once been used by Yu the Great to measure the depth of the seas and was immensely heavy. Sun Wukong was delighted and easily wielded the staff, marking the beginning of his legendary weapon.

Sun Wukong's Armor

Before leaving, Sun Wukong also demanded armor to match his new weapon. The Dragon King, along with his brothers from the other seas, provided him with a golden chainmail shirt, a phoenix-feather cap, and cloud-walking boots. Fully equipped, Sun Wukong returned to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, where he was welcomed with great celebration. His kingdom was now fully protected, and he became even more confident in his power.

The Celestial Court's Concern

Sun Wukong's growing power and influence did not go unnoticed by the Celestial Court. The Jade Emperor, ruler of the heavens, heard reports of a powerful and unruly monkey king causing disturbances on earth. The Jade Emperor decided that Sun Wukong must be brought under control before he became a greater threat.

To keep him in check, the Jade Emperor invited Sun Wukong to Heaven, offering him a position as the Keeper of the Heavenly Horses, a low-ranking job meant to appease him. Sun Wukong, not realizing the insignificance of the position, accepted the offer and went to Heaven, believing it to be an honor.

The Monkey King's Displeasure

However, Sun Wukong soon discovered the true nature of his position and felt insulted. Furious at the deception, he rebelled and returned to earth, declaring himself the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. He set up his own kingdom, defying the authority of Heaven and the Jade Emperor. This act of rebellion set the stage for a great conflict between Sun Wukong and the celestial powers.

This chapter highlights the Monkey King's growing ambition and strength, key themes that resonate in modern retellings like Black Myth: Wukong, where the legend of Sun Wukong continues to inspire new generations with tales of his defiance and quest for power.

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